Friday, January 23, 2009

Adam and I were driving through Pleasant Grove when randomly off to my right there is this Ice Sculpture that is as tall as a house. So of course I pulled over and took pictures to blog it and share it with all of you! The sign was next to it...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pittsburgh's going to Super Bowl XLIII !!

Pittsburgh Steelers are the new AFC Champions!! They are going to the Super Bowl two weeks from today on Feb. 1st!!! Tonight they schooled the Ravens and it was a fantastic game! GO STEELERS!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Definatly not baby hungry....

My brother and sister-in-law, Samuel and Dasia, just found out that they are having Triplets!!!! Wow! I am so excited for them! This will make 7 kids all together... going to be crazy, but fun! I just wanted everybody to share in my excitement since I am on a baby posting kick!!!

Baby Hungry? Not quite yet...

Here is Parker Daniel Hawkes! He is pretty much the cutest little newborn I have ever seen. I have not met him yet because he lives all the way up in Idaho but I know we will be best friends just like I am with his big bro Luke!
I stole this picture from his parents Blog. (Didn't think Sky and Jason would mind me showing him off to a few more people)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rock Climbing

So my one claim to fame in the rock climbing world was climbing the wall they brought in for our senior party. (yes! senior in high school!) The only reason I climbed it was because the guy running it was super cute. I know tis a proud moment in my life.
Well Adam is pretty big into rock climbing and for four years he has been trying to get me to go with him and I kept coming up with excuses... but now that I have decided I am lazy and need to get out more. I went. I am not good and my upper body strength is practically non existent but I made it to the top and that was a pretty dang good feeling! Adam was up and down every wall they had. He is awesome! I am excited to go more. Hopefully build a little muscle in these arms!