Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our New Addition

So I guess the Scion will have to move aside for the newest member of the family. Poor Scion is just not getting the attention that she is used to know that her sibling has come along.... Adam is so proud as you can see from the picture. He is so cute!!! We are planning on taking the bike to Las Vegas next weekend so I will be sure to keep you updated on the crazy 6 hour journey on a motorcycle!!! ( That should be the title of a movie! )


Skylette said...

Oh my word, that is a nice bike...I know someone else that is going to be jealous... :)
You will have to let us know how the Vegas trip goes; 6 hours? Ouch!

Amber said...

Hooray for Adam! He finally got his bike! Good luck on the 6 hour ride...I think you're crazy to even think about it!

PS where's his helmet, eh?

Koreen said...

What a stud! The bike that is :) Have a great road trip, but come see us before you go!!

Bowen Family said...

I like the bike. How are you guys? We miss you. Are you taking care of "the Golden". So just a little note: We are moving to Alaska. I will be down in a week or so, so I will call and we will have to see if we can do lunch with everyone or something.
love you guys

Andrea Migliaccio said...

I came across your blog from Jessica's...
How are you?
I seriously don't even remember the last time I talked to you!
Do you remember the guy that owned 5Buck Pizza?
His son was on my son's soccer team and he asked me, "Do you know Alesha Mathew's?" It was random cause he knew I was friend's with you but I had never met him before!
Anyway..... let's keep in touch!


Andrea Migliaccio said...

My blog is private so email me you email address & I'll send you an invite: DREAMIG@MSN.COM

Melissa said...

That sounds so fun. You have always loved motorcycles, so I love that you now have your own! Post pics of the trip--and I think you should get some leather chaps!

Scott & Christie Lamb said...

Hey Hott stuff!! i think the last time i saw you was when we were in High School? Just wanted to say hi! Sure love you with brown hair!!!?!?! Anyway stop by and say hi sometime!! Christie Swalz