Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Big 2..5..!!

Well my Birthday was on Sunday and it was a great day! I have never had a problem getting older and although everybody told me this year would be different. I still didn't seem to mind it. Adam and I were up at snowbird all day with the whole Dunn clan. Although I didn't get to choose where to be on my day. I was glad to be with so many people who love me. Everybody remembered and I even got a very pretty harmonized version of Happy Birthday from Denny, Sue, Jesse, Tina, Josh, Ashley, Ryan, and I think Nate and his friend Austin were around. It was beautiful!!! Hilary put up a huge happy birthday sign. Tammie made me a cake and Adam and Hilary decorated it! And then I got sung to again! They did a great job at making the day feel special. Thanks everybody!
I also have to give a shout out to Adam because he was right on top of the gift situation! He listened and knew exactly what to get me while maintaining the element of surprise! Thanks Babe!


Abbie said...

Happy Birthday Sheesha!!! I love you so much! You are the most amazing person, I've loved you and looked up to you forever. Thanks so much for everything! I'm glad you're birthday was so amazing!! :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrates on the 25...we are proud of you and keep it up. Love skies 24th weekend vernal..all invited. Just let us know! Pass it on..

Dustan and Micayla said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day!! I love you!

Merm said...

HAPPY HAPPY BDAY! Yay for the big 2-5. I am not gonna lie, that one made me feel a little old! YOu look so beautiful and tan in this picture. When we move home we need to hang out! K!

Love ya

The Leatherberry's said...

I know I'm late, but Happy Birthday anyway! I'm new to all this so I think that's a pretty good excuse. How have you been these days? It's been forever since I last saw you. I used to run into to you here and there, but that hasn't happened forever! Where are you living at now? Anyway, I just wanted to say HI! Keep me updated. Oh and I added you on my list, is that okay?

Skylette said...

Hooray, today is the day! Idaho or BUST!!!